ロゴ:一般社団法人 日本商事仲裁協会 JCAA


JCAA panel arbitrators


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NAME Nationality Country or Region of Residence Language URL
Mr. David Haigh KC Canada Canada English https://arbitra.co.uk/our-members/profile/david-haigh-kc
Professor Bernard Hanotiau Belgium Belgium English/French http://www.hvdb.com
Mr. Calvin Hamilton Guyana/Spain Barbados English/Spanish https://arbitra.co.uk/arbitrators-mediators/profile/calvin-hamilton
Mr. Peter Harris United Kingdom Japan English/French/Japanese https://www.cliffordchance.com/people_and_places/people/lawyers/jp/peter-harris.html
Syougou Haku Republic of Korea Japan Japanese/Korean
Ms. Eriko Hayashi Japan Japan Chinese/English/Japanese https://eri-law.com/
Ms. Siobán Healy KC Ireland/United Kingdom United Kingdom English https://7kbw.co.uk/barrister/sioban-healy-kc/
Ms. Hilary Heilbron United Kingdom United Kingdom English https://www.brickcourt.co.uk/our-people/profile/hilary-heilbron-qc
Ms. He Xiangsha China China Chinese/Japanese http://www.haipaifirm.com
Dr. Peter Heckel Germany Germany English/German
Denys Hickey United Kingdom United Kingdom English
Mr. Timothy Hill United Kingdom Hong Kong English https://arbitra.co.uk/our-members/profile/timothy-hill
Akimitsu Hirai Japan Japan English/Japanese http://www.lexwell.com/Eng/history_hirai.html
Akihiro Hironaka Japan Japan English/Japanese https://www.jurists.co.jp/en/attorney/0047.html
Mr. Ajmalul Hossain Q.C. Bangladesh/United Kingdom Bangladesh/Singapore English https://selbornechambers.co.uk/barrister/ajmalul-hossain-qc/
Ms. Brenda Horrigan United States of America Singapore English/French/Russian https://www.brendahorrigan.com/
Ms. Karah Howard Australia Hong Kong English/Japanese https://www.pinsentmasons.com/people/karah-howard
Mr. Chris HOWSE United Kingdom Hong Kong English http://www.howsewilliams.com
Mr. David Howell United Kingdom United Kingdom English http://www.davidhowellarbitration.com
Mr. Christopher Hunt United Kingdom Japan English
Benjamin Hughes United States of America Singapore English/Korean/Spanish http://www.hughesarbitration.com
AMBASSADOR (r.) DAVID HUEBNER United States of America United States of America English http://www.HuebnerArbitration.com