ロゴ:一般社団法人 日本商事仲裁協会 JCAA


JCAA panel arbitrators


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NAME Nationality Country or Region of Residence Language URL
Ms. Dawn Tan Singapore Singapore English https://sg.linkedin.com/in/dawn-tan-ly-ru-03a7a99a
Ms. Janice Tay Malaysia Malaysia English/Malay https://www.wongpartners.com/en/people/t/tay-janice
Mr Tan Liam Beng Malaysia Singapore English/Malay
Mr. Jingzhou Tao France China Chinese/English/French
George K.H. Tan Singapore Singapore English
Mr. Christopher K. Tahbaz United States of America United States of America English https://www.debevoise.com/christopherktahbaz?tab=biography. 
Mr. Tan Cheng Hye Johnny Singapore Singapore English
Ms. May TAI Malaysia Hong Kong English
Mr. Yoshihiro Takatori Japan Japan English/Japanese https://www.noandt.com/en/lawyers/yoshihiro_takatori/
Mr. Takahiko Takayama Japan Japan Japanese https://www.tmi.gr.jp/people/t-takayama.html
Takaomi Takizawa Japan Japan Japanese
Jun Takeuchi, Mr. Japan Japan English/Japanese http://www.ilo.gr.jp/english/professional/profile/jun_takeuchi_8.html
Saiji Tanaka Japan Japan English/Japanese
Mr. Yutaka Tanaka Japan Japan English/Japanese https://otando.law/lawyer/
Yasuhei Taniguchi Japan Japan English/Japanese http://www.mknet.jp/en/index.html
Mr. Joaquin P. Terceño United States of America Japan English
Mr. Lawrence Teh Singapore Singapore English https://dentons.rodyk.com/en/lawrence-teh
Hiroyuki Tezuka Japan Japan English/Japanese https://www.jurists.co.jp/en/attorney/0012.html
Mr Peter THORP New Zealand France Chinese/English/French
J Christopher Thomas KC Canada Canada English
Ms. Caroline Thomas Germany/Luxembourg/Switzerland Hong Kong English/French/German/Spanish https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-thomas-fciarb-1015331/
Mr. Eugene Thong Singapore Singapore Chinese/English/French https://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenethong166/
Mr. Russell Thirgood Australia Australia English https://arbitra.co.uk/arbitrators-mediators/profile/russell-thirgood
Mrs Mary Thomson United Kingdom Hong Kong English http://www.36stone.co.United Kingdom
Mr Joseph Tirado Spain/United Kingdom United Kingdom English/Spanish
John M. Townsend United States of America United States of America English https://www.hugheshubbard.com/attorneys/john-townsend
Mr. Toh Kian Sing Singapore Singapore Chinese/English
Junichi Tobimatsu Japan Japan English/Japanese
Kazuhiro Tomikoshi Japan Japan Japanese
Mr. Nguyen Nam Trung Viet nam Viet nam English https://www.linkedin.com/in/trungnn/