ロゴ:一般社団法人 日本商事仲裁協会 JCAA


JCAA panel arbitrators


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NAME Nationality Country or Region of Residence Language URL
Professor Meng WAN China China Chinese/English
Ms. Carita Wallgren-Lindholm Finland Finland English/Finnish/French/Spanish/Swedish https://lindholmwallgren.com/
Mr. Huw Watkins Australia/United Kingdom Australia English/Japanese https://www.vicbar.com.au/profile/9307
Prof. Cam Wareham New Zealand/United Kingdom United Kingdom English http://linkedin.com/in/camwareham
Akihiro Wani Japan Japan English/Japanese
Professor Anne Marie Whitesell France/United States of America United States of America English/French
Mr. Ian Whitehurst United Kingdom United Kingdom English https://www.exchangechambers.co.uk/people/ian-whitehurst/
Dr. Nicolas Wiegand Germany Hong Kong/Singapore/United States of America English/German https://cms.law/en/hkg/people/nicolas-wiegand
Ms. Erika Williams Australia Australia English https://williamsarbitration.com/
Mr. Alexander Wilbraham United Kingdom/United States of America United Kingdom/United States of America English/French/German/Italian/Portuguese/Russian/Spanish/Ukrainian https://arbitra.co.uk/arbitrators-mediators/profile/alex-wilbraham
Ms Elaine Wong Singapore Japan English https://www.herbertsmithfreehills.com/our-people/elaine-wong