ロゴ:一般社団法人 日本商事仲裁協会 JCAA

Seminar & Event

Information of Tokyo seminar

JCAA-CLYDE&CO-TFAH Seminar 「Role of Legal Culture on Arbitration Proceedings -Current Trends and Challenges- 」(12 September 2023)

The seminar will explore the legal culture, common law, civil law, and hybrid, as expressed in contemporary procedural and regulatory trends in international commercial arbitration. While it is often said that there is an emerging harmonization of procedures and practices and that arbitral rules of various institutions have significantly converged, this session will discuss various stereotypes, and modern regulatory approaches and best practices. In particular, we will address:

 -    Inquisitorial and adversarial practices in ascertaining the law and facts
 -    Oral and written advocacy
 -    Taking of evidence (documents and witnesses)
 -    Expert evidence
 -    Approaches to damages quantification and
 -    Confidentiality or transparency.

*Language: English with Japanese simultaneous interpretation

This seminar will be held by Japan Commercial Arbitration Association, CLYDE& CO, and Tokyo Facilities for Arbitration Hearings.


12 September 2023, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Hybrid Seminar 


-          Professor Loukas Mistelis FCIArb, Clyde & Co LLP and Queen Mary University of London 
           Loukas Mistelis : Clyde & Co (clydeco.com)

-          Milena Szuniewicz-Wenzel, Clyde & Co LLP 
           Milena Szuniewicz-Wenzel : Clyde & Co (clydeco.com)

-          Professor Emeritus Naoki Kanayama, Toranomon Hougakusha and Keio University
         弁護士紹介・金山直樹 – 法律事務所 虎ノ門法学舎 (toranomonhougakusha.com)

-          Naoki Iguchi, Nagashima, Ohno & Tsunematsu 
    Naoki Iguchi | People | Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu (noandt.com)

-          Professor Yoshihisa Hayakawa, Uryu & Itoga and Rikkyo University 
           早川 吉尚 | URYU & ITOGA | 弁護士法人 瓜生・糸賀法律事務所 (uryuitoga.com)

Registration fee



See above

How to Join:

In-person Participant: Send an email to info@tokyofacilities.com with your name and affiliation

        Location: Tokyo Facilities for Arbitration Hearings (仲裁審問東京施設)

                            Ark Mori Building 36F, 1-12-32, Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo

                           (東京都港区赤坂1-12-32アーク森ビル36F) Tel: +81-3-6860-0010

Online Participant: Apply from the following website
