ロゴ:一般社団法人 日本商事仲裁協会 JCAA


JCAA panel arbitrators


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NAME Nationality Country or Region of Residence Language URL
William W. Park Switzerland/United States of America United States of America English/French http://www.bu.edu/law/profile/william-w-park/
Mr. Eun Young Park Republic of Korea Republic of Korea English/Korean https://arbitra.co.uk/arbitrators-mediators/profile/eun-young-park
Mr Nicholas Peacock United Kingdom United Kingdom English https://www.peacockarbitration.com/
Dr. Wolfgang Peter Switzerland Switzerland English/French/German https://peterandkim.com/
Mr. Elliot E. Polebaum United States of America United States of America English http://www.polebaumarbitration.com
Mr. Simon D. Powell United Kingdom Hong Kong English http://www.powellarbitration.com
JAYA PRAKASH Singapore Singapore English
Michael Pryles Australia Australia English http://www.michaelpryles.com