ロゴ:一般社団法人 日本商事仲裁協会 JCAA


Treaties, Statutes and Other Resources

Arbitration Act (2024)

Japanese Arbitration Act adopts international standards based on UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (2006) (“Model Law”). Under the current Arbitration Act, The Japanese courts may enforce the interim measures ordered by the arbitral tribunal.

For more details, please see Japanese Law Translation Database System

Act on Special Measures concerning the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers (2020)

Article 72 of the Japanese Attorney Act provides that no person other than an attorney may, for the purpose of obtaining compensation, engage in the business of providing legal services or acting as an intermediary in such matters. Act on Special Measures concerning the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers (“Foreign Lawyers Act”) stipulates, among other things, the scope of activities that registered foreign lawyers and non-registered foreign lawyers may perform in Japan.

In May 2020, the Amendment to the Foreign Lawyers Act was enacted, expanding the scope of activities of registered foreign lawyers and non-registered foreign lawyers in international arbitration and mediation cases.

For more information about the Amendment to the Foreign Lawyers Act, please see the MOJ’s website

For the texts, please see Japanese Law Translation Database System

Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1958)

The Convention seeks to provide unified legislative standards for the recognition of arbitration agreements and court recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.

The Convention can be downloaded from here.

The Status of the Convention can be fund from here.