Costs calculator
Number of Arbitrators
Amount of Claim (JPY)
Results of cost calculation
- Rules:UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
- Number of arbitrators:Solo arbitrator
- Amount of Claim (JPY):00000000yen
Administrative Fee (JPY)
Arbitrators Fee(JPY)
The above amount does not include the followings:
- Consumption tax
- Arbitrator's expenses
- Other reasonable expenses incurred with respect to the arbitration proceedings
What do arbitration costs include?
Arbitration costs include administrative fee, arbitrator's remuneration and expenses, other reasonable expenses incurred with respect to the arbitral proceedings, and fees and expenses of counsels and experts incurred by the parties to the extent the tribunal finds it reasonable.
Administrative fee
The Claimant pays the administrative fee to the JCAA when it files a request for arbitration to the JCAA. The Respondent pays the administrative fee to the JCAA if it files a counterclaim to the JCAA.
Arbitrator's remuneration
Arbitrator's remuneration is charged at an hourly rate or at a fixed rate.
- UNCITRAL Arbitration
- USD500 ~ USD1500 per hour determined by the JCAA
- No upper limit of remuneration
- No reduction of hourly rate
- Commercial Arbitration
- JPY50,000 per hour (consumption tax excluded)
- Upper limit of remuneration according to the amount in dispute
- Reduction of hourly rate by 10% for every 50 hours in excess of the initial 150 hours; the reduction cannot exceed 50 % of the original hourly rate.
- Interactive Arbitration
- Fixed rate according to the amount in dispute
Arbitrator's expenses
- UNCITRAL Arbitration
- reasonable hotel and other expenses
- Commercial Arbitration
- transportation expenses (business-class airfares and equivalent class fares for other modes of transportation)
- cost of post, courier, telephone calls, copies or any other expenses that the JCAA finds reasonable taking into consideration the nature of the case
- remuneration and expenses of the tribunal secretary
- JPY60,000 per overnight accommodation at the flat rate of per diem allowance which covers hotel charges, meals and other personal living expenses.
- Interactive Arbitration
- transportation expenses (business-class airfares and equivalent class fares for other modes of transportation)
- cost of post, courier, telephone calls, copies or any other expenses that the JCAA finds reasonable taking into consideration the nature of the case
- JPY60,000 per overnight accommodation at the flat rate of per diem allowance which covers hotel charges, meals and other personal living expenses.
Fees and expenses of counsels and other experts incurred by the parties
To the extent the tribunal finds it reasonable, these fees and expenses may be incorporated into arbitration costs.
Other reasonable expenses
If the JCAA pays fees and expenses on behalf of the parties or the tribunal in connection with, among other things, arranging for hearing room, interpreter, court reporter, delivery of documents, payment of arbitrator's remuneration and expenses, these fees and expenses are incorporated into arbitration costs.
How arbitration costs will be allocated between the parties?
The deposit paid by the parties covers the arbitrator's remuneration and expenses, and other reasonable expenses incurred with respect to the arbitral proceedings.
The tribunal decides on how the arbitration costs are apportioned between the parties when it issues the final award or the decision to terminate the arbitral proceedings.
If the claimant withdraws a request for arbitration before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, the JCAA will decide on the allocation of arbitration costs excluding fees and expenses of counsels and other experts incurred by the parties.