ロゴ:一般社団法人 日本商事仲裁協会 JCAA


Seminar & Event

1 February 2024Seminar & EventPDF
「Bridging the Gap between Civil Law and Common Law in International Commercial Arbitration」Italy and Japan as Models(16 February 2024) (656KB)
17 October 2023Seminar & Event
International Arbitration Seminar: Exploring Innovative Solutions in a Changing World (17 November 2023)
17 October 2023Seminar & EventPDF
Thailand ADR Week 2023 (6-9 November 2023)(2MB)
17 October 2023Seminar & EventPDF
JCAA International Arbitration Seminar: Exploring Innovative Solutions in a Changing World (17 November 2023)(1MB)
28 September 2023Seminar & EventPDF
ENERAP: Technology in the Energy Sector - risks, challenges and disputes- (4 October 2023)(411KB)
15 September 2023Seminar & Event
Seoul ADR Festival 2023 (30 Oct. - 3 Nov. 2023)
15 September 2023Seminar & EventPDF
CIArb YMG Japan Chapter - Debate night (20 September 2023)(301KB)
23 August 2023Seminar & Event
JCAA-CLYDE&CO-TFAH Seminar 「Role of Legal Culture on Arbitration Proceedings -Current Trends and Challenges- 」(12 September 2023)
14 July 2023Seminar & EventPDF
CIArb (EAB) Japan Chapter YMG Event: Demystifying Arbitration Agreements (27 July 2023)(301KB)
11 July 2023Seminar & Event
Congratulatory Speech by Shinsuke Kitagawa, President of JCAA at the Special Event for Ministerial Forums on Justice Affairs Diplomacy / Future Prospects of International Arbitration and Mediation: How does the Judiciary Assist? (7 July 2023)