ロゴ:一般社団法人 日本商事仲裁協会 JCAA


Chinese translated JCAA arbitration rules & model clauses are published.

JCAA arbitration is frequently used to resolve disputes in transactions between Japanes and Chines companies, some of which are conducted in Chinese. Since many Chinese lawyers and companies have expressed a desire for the publication of Chinese translations of the JCAA Arbitration Rules, we have published the Chinese version of the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Interactive Arbitration Rules on this website.  In conjunction with this publication, model arbitration clauses under the Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Interactive Arbitration Rules are also posted.

English HP:Rules)https://www.jcaa.or.jp/en/arbitration/rules.html Model Clauses)https://www.jcaa.or.jp/en/arbitration/clause.html

Japanese HP:Rules)https://www.jcaa.or.jp/arbitration/rules.html Model Clauses)https://www.jcaa.or.jp/arbitration/clause.html