Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal
- 無料
- 年1回
- PDF形式による発行
- ISSN 2435-9726
- 東京本部 広報部
TEL:(03) 5280-5181
Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 5 [2024]
![Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 5 [2024]](img/img-journal06.jpg)
Table of Contents
- Emergency Arbitration at the JCAA:
A Review of the Rules and the Changing LandscapeMiriam Rose Ivan L. Pereira - 3
- Overview of the amendment to Japan's Arbitration ActFumiyasu Miyazaki
- 28
- Overview of the Development of International Mediation Legislation in Japan with the Singapore Convention on MediationAtsushi FUKUDA, Takahito KAWAHARA
- 35
- Multi-Tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses:
Effects of Non-Compliance with Pre-Action/Pre-Arbitration ADR ClausesTakanori Kawashima - 47
- Due Process in Arbitration - How to Mitigate Due Process Paranoia?Miyuki Watanabe
- 55
- Patent royalty claim dismissed due to a demurrer, admitting the reach of an arbitration agreement─Defendants' measures and plaintiffsʼ risk reduction ─
Takanori Abe - 66
- Practical Issues in Enforcing International Settlement Agreements Resulting from MediationKazuhiro Kobayashi
- 76
- Too far, or not enough? Considerations for discovery in the United States and improving efficiency in international arbitration through an analysis thereofMichael Martinez
- 85
- Arbitration as a Means of Resolving ESG DisputesShuhei Kubota
- 93
- The Development of Sports Arbitration in Japan and Challenges for the FutureShin-Ichiro Abe
- 103
- Advanced Technologies in Tokyo Facilities for Arbitration HearingsYoshihisa Hayakawa
- 111
- Serving a Party in Japan by Hague Service ConventionTony Andriotis, Shingo Okada, Eric Yao
- 120
- Asymmetrical Approaches of Extraterritorial Evidence Legislation between the U.S. and JapanAtsushi Shiraki
- 127
- A Message from JCAA
- 140
Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 4 [2023]
![Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 4 [2023]](img/img-journal05.jpg)
Table of Contents
- Combining Interactive Arbitration with Mediation:
A Hybrid Solution under the Interactive Arbitration RulesMiriam Rose Ivan L. Pereira - 3
- The Use of Technology in the International Commercial Arbitration and the Consideration of RulemakingMasaru Suzuki, Shinya Sakuragi
- 16
- Current Status of International Arbitration from the Perspective of Corporate Law and Japan as the Place of ArbitrationKazuhisa Fujita
- 24
- International Commercial Arbitration and Public Interests:
Focusing on the Treatment of Overriding Mandatory RulesDai Yokomizo - 36
- Extending the Application of an Arbitration Agreement Involving a Corporation to Include its RepresentativeYuji Yasunaga
- 45
- Scope, Amount and Sharing of Arbitration Expenses and Court Costs in JapanKazuhiro Kobayashi
- 53
- Disputes in India ─ Lessons from Mittal v WestbridgeLeon Ryan, Shunsuke Domon
- 63
- Potential for a New Arb-Med in JapanJunya Naito, Motomu Wake
- 73
- Arbitrator Training and Assessment
─ How to Increase and Strengthen Resource of Arbitrators and ADR PractitionersYoshihiro (Yoshi) Takatori - 79
- On Dual Conciliation by Two ConciliatorsShuji Yanase
- 89
- Discussions and Challenges in Promoting Online Dispute ResolutionTakeshi Ueda
- 107
- Civil Litigation after the Introduction of IT, as Suggested by Scheduled Proceedings in Commercial ArbitrationShinji Kusakabe
- 116
- A Message from JCAA
- 126
Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 3 [2022]
![Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 3 [2022]](img/img-journal04.jpg)
Table of Contents
- Amendment of JCAA Arbitration Rules and Promulgation of Appointing Authority RulesMasato Dogauchi, Shinji Ogawa, Jieying Peng
- 3
- New Style of Arbitration —The First Case under JCAA Interactive Arbitration RulesMasato Dogauchi, Shinji Ogawa, Jieying Peng
- 7
- The Appropriate Role of Burdens of Proof in Document Disclosure Exercises: A Close Reading of Article 54 of the JCAA Commercial Arbitration RulesDaniel Allen
- 11
- Comparison in Practice between “Japanese” Arbitration and Foreign ArbitrationTakaaki Nagashima, Tadahiko Yasukuni, Dr. Marc R. Labgold, Megan C. Labgold
- 18
- The Keys to Success: Unlocking Arbitrator Skills, Experience and Qualification RequirementsPeter Harris
- 32
- Enforceability of Interim Measures by Arbitral TribunalAyako Imazu
- 39
- Technology Disputes in Japan: Is Arbitration a Better Option?David MacArthur
- 47
- Do Mediation Parties Owe Confidentiality in Japan?Naoki Idei
- 58
- Online Practice and Activation of ADR —Further Progress of Arb. Med. Arb.Yoshihiro (Yoshi) Takatori
- 64
- ODR (Online Dispute Resolution)
—Outline of the Action Plan of the Ministry of Justice and Domestic TrendsMORI Oki, KOMATSU Akira - 72
- The Possibility of Utilizing Special Conciliation Proceedings as Insolvency ADR —Focusing on its Use as a Business Revitalization ProcedureShoichi Tagashira
- 79
- How Are Disputes Settled in Japan's Financial ADR?
Statistical Analysis of the Determinative Factors in the Facilitation and Conclusion of Settlements in FINMAC MediationTomohiko Maeda - 91
- Civil Litigation in Japan: Too Long from Start to Finish?
A Primer on Recent Timelines and Law ReformsJunya Naito, Ryota Asakura - 105
- A Message from JCAA
- 118
Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 2 [2021]
![Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 2 [2021]](img/img-journal03.jpg)
Table of Contents
- Evaluation of the Interactive Arbitration Rules of the JCAA from the Perspective of Japanese Court PracticesShintaro Kato, Aoi Inoue
- 3
- Emergency Measures – Japanese Law and Practices of the JCAAMasafumi Kodama
- 12
- Arbitration Clauses under Revised JCAA Arbitration RulesKazuhiro Kobayashi
- 17
- The New JCAA Mediation Rules and Japan’s Future in International MediationDouglas K. Freeman
- 35
- International Arbitration in Japanese Bankruptcy CasesShin-Ichiro Abe
- 42
- Impartiality and Independence Through Disclosure:
Comparative Review of Recent Cases ㏌ Japan and EnglandNatalie Yap - 58
- Current State of Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution Systems in JapanKenji Tosaki
- 67
- Recent Court Decisions on International Adjudicative Jurisdiction in JapanMari Nagata
- 79
- Enforcement in Japan of Foreign Judicial and Extra-judicial InstrumentsYoshimasa Furuta
- 88
- Judicial Decisions and Open Data in JapanYasutaka Machimura
- 96
- Introduction of IT in Civil Court Procedures in JapanMasatoshi Kasai
- 102
- Collective Redress to Recover Consumer Damage in Japan
―Present system and the direction of its amendment―Takuya Hatta - 107
- Managing Investment Disputes with MediationJames Claxton
- 117
- Utilizing Third-party Funding in Japan—Issues Regarding the Attorney Act and the Basic Rules on the Duties of Practicing AttorneysJunya Naito, Motomu Wake
- 127
- A Message from JCAA
- 135
Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 1 [2020]
![Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal VOL. 1 [2020]](img/img-journal02.jpg?200915)
Table of Contents
- The New JCAA Arbitration Rules ―Japan’ s Attempt in Innovative Dispute ResolutionDouglas K. Freeman
- 4
- New Arbitration Rules Based on the Civil Law Tradition
―The 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules, the Prague Rules, and the JCAA Interactive Arbitration RulesAiko Hosokawa - 11
- Cooperating on Disputes
―Moving towards a Stronger Cooperative Foundation for the Settlement of Disputes in AsiaTony Andriotis, Giorgio Fabio Colombo, David MacArthur, Masako Miyatake, Michael Mroczek,Shiori Sato, Julia Jiyeon Yu - 21
- The Act on Special Measures concerning the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers
―Recent Developments toward InternationalizationJunya Naito, Ryo Otobe - 34
- Four Court Decisions After an Arbitral AwardYoichiro Hamabe
- 42
- Setting Aside of Arbitral Awards under the Japan Arbitration Act
―Recent Decisions by the Japanese CourtsNaoshi Takasugi - 50
- How Companies Can Prepare for Global Disputes in the Era of Japan’ s Work Style ReformYoshihiro (Yoshi) Takatori, Yumiko Ohta
- 59
- JIMC-KYOTO ―An Attractive Option for International MediationHaruo Okada
- 67
- The ADR Act ―Purpose, Actual Situation and FutureKazuhiko Yamamoto
- 74
- An Introduction to Japan International Dispute Resolution CenterYoshihisa Hayakawa
- 79
- New IP Conciliation Proceedings at Japanese CourtsYoshiaki Shibata
- 83
- Recognition and Enforcement of Business Dispute Resolutions in Japan in the Age of Global CooperationKeisuke Takeshita
- 89
- Interim and Provisional Measures in Japanese Courts for Disputes Involving Agreements with Arbitration ClausesKazuhide Ueno, Akihiro Goda
- 98
- A Message from JCAA
- 107
氏名 | 所属 |
山本和彦 | 一橋大学 |
垣内秀介 | 東京大学 |
竹下啓介 | 一橋大学 |
井上葵 | アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所 |
関戸麦 | 森・濱田松本法律事務所 |
内藤順也 | 桃尾・松尾・難波法律事務所 |
内田晴康 | TMI総合法律事務所 |
国谷史朗 | 大江橋法律事務所 |
阿部信一郎 | 霞ヶ関国際法律事務所・国際仲裁Chambers |
髙取芳宏 | 長島・大野・常松法律事務所 |
杉本花織 | 長島・大野・常松法律事務所 |
Tony Andriotis | DLA Piper |
中原千繪 | 西村あさひ法律事務所 |
Supporting Law Firms
アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所 |
森・濱田松本法律事務所 |
桃尾・松尾・難波法律事務所 |
TMI総合法律事務所 |
大江橋法律事務所 |
長島・大野・常松法律事務所 |
霞ヶ関国際法律事務所・国際仲裁Chambers |
西村あさひ法律事務所 |
Supporting Law Firmsとして英文校閲等のサポートを頂いています。